It’s our birthday! Celebrating one year of The Honest Talk

One year ago this month, our small but mighty team launched The Honest Talk as a brand new, digital media platform for women. But our story goes back a lot further than that.
Originally, way back in the late fall of 2019, over a glass of wine while waiting for a flight in Toronto, we had imagined a live event series that would provide women with a sense of community — a place where they could tell their stories, share their experiences, get valuable information relevant to their lives and careers, and find common strength and purpose. That’s how The Honest Talk was born.
Then, about three months later, a global pandemic arrived, and the idea of a live event series was put on a backburner — so far back we weren’t sure we’d ever see it again. But we knew we wanted to do something to help empower women at a time when the world was being turned upside down, so we turned our live event series into a podcast instead, and we’ve been growing strong ever since.
We’ve had the opportunity to interview dozens of Canada’s most remarkable women — from political leaders and Supreme Court justices, to actors and singers, to journalists and healthcare professionals, and more. These women have willingly and openly shared honest conversations with us about their achievements and about the very real challenges they’ve faced along the way.
We’ve been so grateful to our exceptional guests and to our remarkable listeners, whose dedication has seen us named one of the leading podcasts for women in Canada. We’re also grateful to our partner, RBC, who got on board right at the beginning and has been with us ever since.
But then, in 2023, we decided that while a podcast was great, we needed to do more: we wanted to create an online community for women. So, we designed and built an online platform filled with daily curated content from around the world, first-person stories written for women by women, and unique articles designed to inform, empower and engage our readers. It would also serve as a home for our podcast.
Now it’s our first birthday — our online baby is turning into a toddler, and we’re loving every second of it.
We’re fortunate to have major partners who have stepped up to the plate to join our community. Partners that believe in helping women to create better, healthier, happier, more financially robust lives — partners like Bell, the Canadian Women’s Foundation, the National Angel Capital Organization (NACO), and … stay tuned because we’ll be making some other major partner announcements in the coming days and weeks!
So, thank you for joining our community. Thank you for BEING our community. There has, arguably, never been a more important time for women to have a strong, vibrant space where we can come together to share our experiences, to learn from one another, and to foster a sense of hope and purpose. We’re here to offer you a good dose of honest talk, every day, wherever you may be in the world — and we’re so glad that you’ve chosen to join us on this ride.
With love and gratitude,
Jen & Catherine
Co-Founders, The Honest Talk