The Honest 10 with Catherine Clark

Catherine Clark

Today on The Honest 10, we are catching up with our very own co-founder Catherine Clark!

Outside of The Honest Talk, Catherine is a nationally respected broadcaster, emcee and President of Catherine Clark Communications. She also sits on several boards, is deeply connected to the community and a mom of two.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received, and who gave it to you?

“Take the victorious attitude.” This was advice my own Dad received as a kid from his parents, and which he passed down to me; the general idea being that it’s better to embrace a positive approach to the world, even when times are tough.

What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day?

Sitting on the couch at home with my husband, looking out our back window at nature, catching up with each other on all the news of the day.

Where do you find inspiration?

My kids inspire me. My daughter sets goals, she does everything in her power to achieve them, and she works as hard as anyone I know. My son is funny, outgoing and always offers a thoughtful word to those around him. Both kids are confident in themselves and kind to others, and I love and admire both those qualities.

If you could change one thing about the professional landscape for women, what would it be and why?

I would advocate for more flexibility. I think we’ve seen that flexible workplaces can allow women to still be highly productive while giving them the ability to balance other parts of their lives, allowing them the opportunity to achieve both personal and professional success.

What is one material item you can’t live without? 

Books. I’d have trouble without a good book to read – the juicier, more romantic the better.

What is something you could talk about for hours?

My job is talking… so the truth is that when I don’t have to talk, I don’t. I’m great at small talk, and my husband doesn’t let me go into a store on my own if we’re in a hurry because I’ll chat with everyone there, but talking for hours about any one topic, just to talk… I couldn’t do it.

What is your favourite place to visit in Canada? 

I’ve had the good fortunate to travel to every province and territory in Canada multiple times, and every part of Canada is exceptional. I do reserve a very special place in my heart for the Canadian Rockies, though – I’d live there if I could.