The Honest 10 with Jennifer Stewart
Women Leaders04.06.2024

Welcome to The Honest 10, a new article series by The Honest Talk!
Through this series, we are striving to offer readers raw truths, genuine reflections, and unique insights into the lives of women in our community by asking them 10 simple questions. From discussing their favourite books and movies to sharing their thoughts on meaningful issues, each interview highlights how women bring unique perspectives to every aspect of life.
To kick things off, we bring you The Honest 10 with one of our fearless co-founders: Jennifer Stewart. Outside of The Honest Talk, Jen is the Founder and CEO of Syntax Strategic, an avid volunteer, a member of several local boards, and the mom of two.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received, and who gave it to you?
The best piece of advice I’ve ever received was pretty simple. It was to show up. Don’t talk about showing up, just show up – in your life, your business, your family, and your relationships.
What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day?
My favourite way to unwind is either a walk in the Village of Carp, or vegging and binging a show 🙂. I’m pretty simple!
What’s the most unexpected thing you’ve learned about yourself in the past year?
That you’re tougher than you think, and if you’re willing to put in the work, do the grind, you will see really wonderful outcomes in all aspects of your life.
What’s the best book you’ve read recently, and what impact did it have on you?
I’m reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians with my two kids. It’s super fun and I love cuddling in at night to enjoy the book together. It’s a book for pre-teens but transcends age.
Where do you find inspiration?
My kids 🙂. They are so funny and my constant source of inspiration. I do what I do to make them proud and model what success and work ethic can create.
If you could change one thing about the professional landscape for women, what would it be and why?
I would change the culture of equating success with being everywhere and being everything to everyone. We are burning ourselves out and chasing an ideal of success that doesn’t necessarily leave us happy at the end of the day. Do what brings you professional joy. Work hard, but create and enforce your boundaries.
What is one material item you can’t live without?
Is coffee material? If so, I cannot live without it. I also cannot live without my Aligns by Lululemon.
If you could go back in time and give your teenage self one piece of advice, what would it be?
I would tell her hold on – you’re going to go through a really exciting and sometimes scary journey, but you’re going to find yourself along the way.
What is something you could talk about for hours?
I don’t think I could talk for hours about anything, to be honest. I love short spurts of conversations on any topic, but also I love my time for silence and to think and reflect.
What is your favourite place to visit in Canada?
Hands down, Lake Louise. The mountains are my favourite place not only in Canada, but in the world. They inspire a sense of awe and wonder. Any chance I get, I visit them!