Catherine’s favourite cookie recipe

I do not love to cook. In fact, I’ve always said that if I won a lottery the first thing I would do is hire someone to cook for my family. But I sure do love to bake, and I absolutely love cookies.

So, when an acquaintance forwarded me this chocolate chip cookie recipe from #AmbitiousKitchen – which involves chocolate chips AND my next favourite thing, Nutella – I was all-in.

These cookies take a bit of extra effort, but boy are they worth it. In fact, my daughter took some to work and actually texted me to say: “these are the best cookies I have ever eaten in my life.” The key is browning the butter, and the sea-salt. Ok, and the Nutella.

Here’s a link to Nutella Stuffed Brown Butter + Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookies ( – try to eat just one… I dare you.