Spiral bobby pins for the perfect hair day

spiral bobby pins

You know when you find something in life and you think, “How did I never know about this before now?”

I give you spiral bobby pins.

Maybe you already know about them. If so, congratulations – you already have a simple, effective tool to manage your hair without damaging it.

However, my own personal straw poll (asking all the women I crossed paths with over a two-day period) suggests most women don’t know about these twisty miracle workers.

Why are they so great?

  • They hold more hair with a stronger grip
  • They don’t pinch or pull hair, reducing the chance of damage
  • They’re pretty much invisible once they’re in
  • They’ll help you create formal and informal updos, buns, French twists, and more
  • They’re so, so easy to insert
  • They’re comfortable enough to wear all day

The eight dollars I spent on my pack was worth every penny.